Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Change (part 2)

The first thing I want to share about the much needed change in the expression of our christian faith is rather simple. It is something that is easy to say, but putting it into action seems to be the most difficult assignment that followers of Jesus could have.

This simple yet complex idea is..."People who are followers of Jesus need to live like they actually know Jesus."

A few facts we all claim to "know" about Jesus:
1. He is the savior of the world.
2. Through Him we are made to be "More than conquerers."
3. He called His followers to REACH the ones who do not know Him.
4. Faith in Him will change your life.

Now, Jesus came to bring grace and truth. Each of these four facts represents an aspect of grace and truth. Grace to bring us new life through salvation, truth that there is no other way. Grace to allow us to overcome, truth that says we will face things that will be tough. Grace to share our faith with the whole world, truth that we are required to do this. Grace that renews us and changes us, truth that our efforts will fail (because we are changed by our faith, not by our effort to change ourselves.)

Why, then, do followers of Jesus expect lost people to act like they aren't lost? Jesus is the only savior, and yet we condemn people who do not know Him for acting like they don't know Him. By doing this, we fail to extend grace and therefore are acting like WE DON'T KNOW HIM! (Next post will explore this thought deeper).

Why do followers of Jesus worry about the issues of the world impacting us? Econmony is a perfect example. We sit around complaining about how tough times are, and how we don't know how we are going to make it. But we will stand up in church and claim to be "more than conquerers." We aren't living like it...but we say its what we believe. Sickness is another example...we mope in our physical ailments, worry about the outcome of our illness...and yet claim that Jesus already has won the battle. This is a major area where lost people have a viable reason for saying "the church is full of hypocrites." Why don't we live in confidence? Why don't we live without worry? Why don't we live in peace with other believers? Aren't our petty issues easily overcome by the grace of Jesus? Only if we walk in that grace, and allow it to flow.

Why can followers of Jesus share their faith with people in a foreign country, but the guy next door is destined to hell? I'm not discouraging international missions, I'm just saying that fulfilling the great commission is an ALL the time assignment and mandate...not just a trip you take twice a year, and a bible school that you plan in the summer. Why can you have a conversation about the contestants on American Idol, but never share your faith with that person? Do you know if your friends know Jesus? What about your neighbor? What about the guy or gal you work with that gets on your nerves? We say that we know we are called to reach the lost...but why are we leaving it up to the pastor at the church, or the evangelist on tv?

Why do followers of Jesus spend more time watching Fox News than reading the Gods word and Praying? We pray before we go to bed, before a meal, and before a ball game. Each time we ask God to bless something we are about to do...eat, sleep, or play. Is this the essence of our life? We get so mad when prayer is taken out of schools, but what about the fact the YOU have taken prayer out of your home...unless of course, it benefits you. Our faith should change us...yet instead of it changing us, we just interject it into the same selfish, self serving, inward focused life that we have always lived. "God, I'm sick...heal me" "God I'm about to eat...bless this food" "God, we are about to travel...keep us safe." But what about the things that God is really concerned about? I'm about to pinch a nerve..."God, make the people in Washington vote for the opinion that I have." News flash...if you aren't giving God your heart on a daily basis...He is not going to care about the temporary acts of lost men in washington. God is concerned about the purity and condition of His bride...and if she was as concerned about Him as she is about herself, and her country, and her family...then He would be compelled to give her "exceedingly and abundantly far greater than we could ever ask or imagine." Why don't we tithe our time to God? We have 24 hours in a day...why aren't we spending 2 1/2 hours each day giving Him our undivided attention? Is it too much to ask? Well what if He said "you won't give me the time I ask from you...so I'm just going to take away the time I give to you each day."...just so you know, you would be dead if He said that. If your faith hasn't changed you, maybe it didn't save you...nerve has been officially pinched.

Until next time...much love!


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