Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Change (part 1)

The word "Change" has been tossed around like a football on sundays in the fall lately. You've got the whole global warming debachle talking about "climate change." Then there is Obama winning his presidency a little over a year ago on the slogan "yes we can...bring change." Recently, I skimmed passed an article on Yahoo that said the recent earthquake Chile caused a small change in the earths rotation.

The real kicker is this: the majority of people buy into the theories of climate change, Obama just saw one of the biggest pieces of legislation in America's history pass through congress to bring "change" to healthcare, and scientifically the theory of the Chilean earthquake changing the earths rotation is pretty solid.

Now, just so you know these examples are about as political as I will ever get. Why? Because we have plenty of "christians" out there who spend an average of 3 1/2 hours a day watching fox news, reading "conservative world" magazine, and talking like they have the answers to our nations problems, and 15-30 minutes a day (at BEST) reading God's Word and contending in prayer for God's mercy. Im not going to even begin to try and tackle our nations problems, they are way bigger than me. Sure, my voice can be heard, but why would I want it to be heard if I dont have anything rock solid to say?

This Blog Series is not intended to be at all political, because to be honest with you, I believe politics, government, and christian worldviews have no ability to really "change" anything. I want to take a few weeks and talk to you about the much needed "change" in the expression of our faith. When we as believers will stop letting News Media be louder in our lives than the voice of Jesus, then we can say "Yes We Can..."

Moving forward, I want to share with you 3 things that I believe we must do to see the necessary change take place in the church, our lives, and in the lives of others.

But until then, I leave you with the this idea..."What if we invested our time, energy, and effort into ONLY things that have eternal significance? What could we do to change history?"

Psalm 119:89 says "Your Word, My God, is forever settled in heaven..."

What if we really DID what HIS word says, instead of USING His word to enforce our agenda? Either politically, or in any other realm of life.

Think about it...

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